Presenter Information
Oral Presentation
SMBE2011 Attendance Registration Page
SMBE2011 Presentation Abstract Submission Page
You need to register attendance before submitting your presetation abstract.
Abstract template in MSword format
Contributed oral/poster presentation submission was closed.
Contributed oral presentations and oral presentations selected to symposia and workshops will be all 15-minute talk including discussion.
Confirmed speakers are listed in "Speakers".
All speakers are expected to bring their own laptop computers to presentation room before their presentations.
If you do not have laptop, please contact We will provide Windows and Macintosh laptops for you.
You need to register attendance before submitting your presetation abstract.
Abstract template in MSword format
Contributed oral/poster presentation submission was closed.
Contributed oral presentations and oral presentations selected to symposia and workshops will be all 15-minute talk including discussion.
Confirmed speakers are listed in "Speakers".
All speakers are expected to bring their own laptop computers to presentation room before their presentations.
If you do not have laptop, please contact We will provide Windows and Macintosh laptops for you.
Poster Presentation
SMBE2011 Attendance Registration Page
SMBE2011 Presentation Abstract Submission Page
You need to register attendance before submitting your presetation abstract. Deadline of abstract submission is June 30th.
Abstract template in MSword format
Poster session will be held on the 2nd floor of the Building C (Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower Hall, International Conference Hall). Each poster presentation is allotted one poster board (as shown below). Your poster number will be indicated in the Program and on the board on-site. The width of the poster board (90 cm) should not be exceeded under any circumstances. Pushpins will be provided on site to mount posters on the boards. The content of the poster should be clearly legible from a distance of 1 meter.

Schedule for putting and removing posters, and presentations
*Any posters remaining after the poster removal times will be removed and disposed of by the Secretariat.
*During the discussion time, presenters should stand by their posters for presentation and discussion.
If you have any questions, please contact SMBE 2011 Paper Submission Office.
SMBE 2011 Paper Submission Office
You need to register attendance before submitting your presetation abstract. Deadline of abstract submission is June 30th.
Abstract template in MSword format
Poster session will be held on the 2nd floor of the Building C (Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower Hall, International Conference Hall). Each poster presentation is allotted one poster board (as shown below). Your poster number will be indicated in the Program and on the board on-site. The width of the poster board (90 cm) should not be exceeded under any circumstances. Pushpins will be provided on site to mount posters on the boards. The content of the poster should be clearly legible from a distance of 1 meter.

Schedule for putting and removing posters, and presentations
Poster IDs: P1-001 - P1-150 Poster putting up time: 11:00-12:00, Wednesday, July 27 Poster discussion time: 12:00-13:30 & 19:00-21:00, Wednesday, July 27 Poster removal time: 21:00-21:30, Wednesday, July 27 Poster IDs: P2-001 - P2-150 Poster putting up time: 9:00-12:00, Thursday, July 28 Poster discussion time: 12:00-13:30 & 18:00-20:00, Thursday, July 28 Poster removal time: 20:00-20:30, Thursday, July 28
*Any posters remaining after the poster removal times will be removed and disposed of by the Secretariat.
*During the discussion time, presenters should stand by their posters for presentation and discussion.
If you have any questions, please contact SMBE 2011 Paper Submission Office.
SMBE 2011 Paper Submission Office