==> Home
July 26 at Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower Hall
Building C: Kyoto University Centenial Clock Tower Hall
- 11:00-18:00 [Room C-3] SMBE Council Meeting (invitation only)
- 15:00-19:00 [First Floor] SMBE2011 On-site registration and reception of registrants
- 18:00-20:00 [Room C-2 (International Hall)] SMBE2011 Welcome Reception
- 18:30-19:00 [Room C-3] SMBE undergraduate mentoring program [organized by Dr. Dan Graur]
July 27 at Kyoto University Campus
Building C: Kyoto University Centenial Clock Tower Hall
Building S: Shiran Kaikan
Morning Sessions (9:30- 12:00)
12:00 - 13:30 [Room C-2] Lunch & Poster discussion Day 1
12:30-13:30 [Room C-1] Special Meeting on radiation effects of oragnisms distributed near Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Organized by Marta Wayne, University of Florida, U.S.A.
Afternoon Sessions (13:30- 16:00)
Evening Sessions (16:30 - 19:00)
[Somewhere] GBE Associate Editors' dinner (invitation only)
19:00 - 21:00 [Room C-2] Poster discussion Day 1
Building S: Shiran Kaikan
Morning Sessions (9:30- 12:00)
- [Room C-1] Symposium 1: Evolution of modern human ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-1] Symposium 2: Gene evolution and phenotypic adaptation ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-2] Workshop 1: Methods for multiple alignment and phylogenetic tree making for large sequence data set ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-3] Workshop 2: Reverse transcriptase as an evolutionary force ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-4] Workshop 3: Plant evolutionary genomics ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-2] Poster putting Day 1
- [Room C-3] Contributed oral presentations 1 ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-4] Exhibition
12:00 - 13:30 [Room C-2] Lunch & Poster discussion Day 1
12:30-13:30 [Room C-1] Special Meeting on radiation effects of oragnisms distributed near Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Organized by Marta Wayne, University of Florida, U.S.A.
Afternoon Sessions (13:30- 16:00)
- [Room C-1] Symposium 3: Compensatory fitness interactions and genome evolution ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-1] Symposium 4: Symbiosis as the source of evolutionary novelties ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-2] Workshop 4: Natural selection in human populations: beyond classic sweeps ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-3] Workshop 5: Evolutionary diversity revealed by comparative transcriptomics ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-4] Contributed oral presentations 2 ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-2] Poster presentation Day 1
- [Room C-3] Workshop 6: Assessing and visualizing the geographic and temporal structure of biodiversity ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-4] Exhibition
Evening Sessions (16:30 - 19:00)
- [Room C-1] Symposium 5: Genome evolution: surprises from microbes ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-1] Symposium 6: Molecular bases of speciation ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-2] Workshop 7: Comparative and evolutionary neurogenomics in humans and non-human primates ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-3] Workshop 8: Virus evolution ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-4] Workshop 9: Modeling protein structural and energetic constraints on sequence evolution ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-2] Poster presentation Day 1
- [Room C-3] Contributed oral presentations 3 ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-4] Exhibition
[Somewhere] GBE Associate Editors' dinner (invitation only)
19:00 - 21:00 [Room C-2] Poster discussion Day 1
July 28 at Kyoto University Campus
Building C: Kyoto University Centenial Clock Tower Hall
Building S: Shiran Kaikan
Morning Sessions (9:30 - 12:00)
12:00 - 13:30 [Room C-2] Lunch & Poster discussion Day 2
Afternoon Sessions (13:30 - 16:00)
Evening Sessions (16:30 - 19:00)
[Somewhere] MBE Associate Editors' dinner (invitation only)
18:00 - 20:00 [Room C-2] Poster discussion Day 2
Building S: Shiran Kaikan
Morning Sessions (9:30 - 12:00)
- [Room C-1] Symposium 7: New approaches in ancient DNA ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-1] Symposium 8: Origin and diversification of sensory organs ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-2] Symposium 9: Evolutionary systems biology ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-3] Workshop 10: Molecular biology and evolution of blood group and MHC antigens in primates ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-4] Workshop 11: Selective sweeps in complex demographic and genetic systems ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-2] Poster putting Day 2
- [Room C-3] Contributed oral presentations 4 ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-4] Exhibition
12:00 - 13:30 [Room C-2] Lunch & Poster discussion Day 2
Afternoon Sessions (13:30 - 16:00)
- [Room C-1] Symposium 10: Evolution of genome structure ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-1] Symposium 11: Molecular mechanisms governing morphological divergence of arthropod appendages ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-2] Symposium 12: Evolution as a stochastic process ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-3] Workshop 12: Recombination and the efficacy of selection ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-4] Contributed oral presentations 5 ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-2] Poster presentation Day 2
- [Room C-3] Contributed oral presentations 6 ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-4] Exhibition
Evening Sessions (16:30 - 19:00)
- [Room C-1] Special Symposium: Honoring late Walter M. Fitch: talk by Masatoshi Nei
- [Room C-1] Special Session: History of MBE
- [Room S-1] Workshop 13: Biodiversity – divergence and convergence in evolution ==> Download abstracts
- [Room S-2] Workshop 14: Next generation sequencing technologies in evolutionary studies ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-2] Poster presentation Day 2
- [Room C-3] Contributed oral presentations 7 ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-4] Exhibition
[Somewhere] MBE Associate Editors' dinner (invitation only)
18:00 - 20:00 [Room C-2] Poster discussion Day 2
Access to Miyako Messe
9:00- 9:30 SMBE Business meeting
9:30- 9:45 Welcome to SMBE 2011 at Kyoto by SMBE2011 Organizing Committees
9:45-10:45 Nei Lecture by Ken Wolfe, SMBE President
10:45-16:00 Plenary Talks 1-4
==> Download abstracts
10:45-11:35 Plenary Talk 1 by Manolo Gouy, CNRS, Lyon
11:35-12:25 Plenary Talk 2 by Daniel Hartl, Harvard University and NIG
Lunch break (12:25-14:20)
14:20-15:10 Plenary Talk 3 by Shoji Kawamura, University of Tokyo
15:10-16:00 Plenary Talk 4 by Nancy Moran, Yale University
Coffee break (16:00-16:30)

Walter M. Fitch (1929-2011)
16:30-18:30 Walter Fitch Student Symposium
==> Download abstracts
19:00-21:00 SMBE Banquet with special lecture by Chung-I Wu, University of Chicago
9:00- 9:30 SMBE Business meeting
9:30- 9:45 Welcome to SMBE 2011 at Kyoto by SMBE2011 Organizing Committees
9:45-10:45 Nei Lecture by Ken Wolfe, SMBE President
10:45-16:00 Plenary Talks 1-4
==> Download abstracts
10:45-11:35 Plenary Talk 1 by Manolo Gouy, CNRS, Lyon
11:35-12:25 Plenary Talk 2 by Daniel Hartl, Harvard University and NIG
Lunch break (12:25-14:20)
14:20-15:10 Plenary Talk 3 by Shoji Kawamura, University of Tokyo
15:10-16:00 Plenary Talk 4 by Nancy Moran, Yale University
Coffee break (16:00-16:30)

Walter M. Fitch (1929-2011)
16:30-18:30 Walter Fitch Student Symposium
19:00-21:00 SMBE Banquet with special lecture by Chung-I Wu, University of Chicago
July 30 at Kyoto University Campus
Places: Kyoto University Centenial Clock Tower Hall (Building C)
Morning Sessions (9:30- 12:00)
* These are jointly held with Society for Evolutionary Studies, Japan (SESJ).
SMBE2011 formally ends at noon, Saturday, July 30.
Afternoon sessions are organized by SESJ.
Note: Society for Evolutionary Studies, Japan (SESJ) Annual Meeting will be held from afternoon of July 29 to July 31 in Kyoto University. SMBE2011 registrants can freely attend SESJ 2011 annual meeting.
Morning Sessions (9:30- 12:00)
- [Room C-1] *Symposium 13: Present and future of the neutral theory ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-2A] *Symposium 14: Current problems in vertebrate evolutionary development ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-2B] *Symposium 15: Evolution of life: a multi-disciplinary approach, from universe to genomes ==> Download abstracts
- [Room C-2C] SESJ Symposium (in Japanese): Exploring unknown biodiversity based on genomic information (9:00-12:00)
* These are jointly held with Society for Evolutionary Studies, Japan (SESJ).
SMBE2011 formally ends at noon, Saturday, July 30.
Afternoon sessions are organized by SESJ.
Note: Society for Evolutionary Studies, Japan (SESJ) Annual Meeting will be held from afternoon of July 29 to July 31 in Kyoto University. SMBE2011 registrants can freely attend SESJ 2011 annual meeting.