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Poster Presentations
Day 1 (July 27)
- Gunbin, Konstantin: Deep inside into vertebrates and invertebrates macroevolution: the molecular evolution modes of strict orthologous protein sequences
- Gunbin, Konstantin: Why we need new evidences for deep Archaea evolution: the lesson from study of horizontal transfer highways
- Eirin-Lopez, Jose Maria: Evolutionary specialization of the nucleosome core particle in the mollusc Mytilus galloprovincialis
- Rogers, Rebekah: Evolution of chimeric genes in Drosophila melanogaster
- Mano, Shuhei: Power of duality in stochastic modeling of population genetics
- Kayal, Ehsan: Evolution of linear mtDNA in Medusozoa (Cnidaria)
- Kayal, Ehsan: Calcareous sponges redefine the limits of mtDNA evolution in the animal kingdom
- Liberles, David: The evolution of protein sequences under structural and functional constraint
- Beekman, Danielle: Establishing the origin and molecular evolution of Dipteran male achiasmatic meiosis
- Schoville, Sean: Colliding fragment islands transport independent lineages of endemic rock-crawlers (Grylloblattidea: Grylloblattidae) in the Japanese Archipelago
- Pett, Walker: The case of the disappearing translational system: the coevolving histories of mitochondrial tRNAs and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
- Sugino, Ryuichi: Natural selection on gene order in the genome re-organization process after whole genome duplication of yeast
- Di Rienzi, Sara: Proximity to an origin of replication influences the mechanism of gene amplification
- Naseeb, Samina: Impact of chromosomal inversions on co-expressed gene clusters
- Penny, David: The J-shaped curve: integrating molecular evolution over different time scales
- Matsumoto, Takuya: Molecular evidence for the residual nuclear genome of the green algal endosymbiont in the dinoflagellate Lepidodinium chlorophorum
- Tseng, ShuPing: Speciation models of Takydromus spp. : Assessing gene flow during speciation process
- Ackerman, Matthew: Maximum likelihood analysis of genome-size evolution allows the detection of episodic gene gain and loss
- Leu, Jun Yi: Adaptation to identical conditions leads to hybrid incompatibility
- Zhang, Bo: Worldwide invasion genetics of Russian wheat aphid
- Elnagdy, Sherif: The direct fitness effects of male-killer infection on female hosts
- Story, Alice: The interconnection of molecular evolution, gene network, and cellular aging
- Banovich, Nick: Genetic approaches to understanding primate craniofacial morphology
- Yazaki, Euki: Difference in transcriptional regulation between two genes encoding plastid-targeted GAPDH in Karenia mikimotoi
- Bik, Holly: Rapid biodiversity assessment of microbial eukaryotes using high-throughput sequencing: a case study from the BP oil spill
- Racimo, Fernando: Replaying the tape of life in a microcosm: massive parallel evolution of Pseudomonas fluorescens
- Schmid, Jan: Sex has no obvious net benefit for clinical candida albicans isolates
- Nishimura, Yuki: The phylogenetic position of the katablepharid Leucocryptos marina based on seven mitochondrial gene sequences
- Weighill, Thomas: Dimensionality reduction for learning alignment-specific amino acid substitution models
- Fujita, Junta: Molecular phylogeography of a deep-sea crangonid shrimp Argis lar from northern Japan: corresponding patterns to ocean current pathways
- Kawashima, Ayaka: Molecular evolution of CYP2 cluster genes in primates
- Truong, Amanda: Analysis of Great Salt Lake brine flies expands the phylogenetic diversity of Wolbachia endosymbionts
- Luthringer, Remy: Sex determination in the brown algae Ectocarpus
- Duong, Trang: Potential gene interactions influencing the regulation of the lac operon during adaptation of an Escherichia coli population
- Chao, Lin: The evolution of mutational and damage loads and bacterial aging
- Heinz, Eva: Reductive evolution on genomic and cellular level on the example of the microsporidian parasite Trachipleistophora hominis
- Kamikawa, Ryoma: Spliceosomal introns in a split form: another aspect of intron evolution in eukaryotes
- Williams, Tom: Evolution of microsporidian genomes and proteomes
- Chien, Chin I: Functional analysis of charcot-marie-tooth type 2D related glycyl-tRNA synthetase mutants in yeast
- Liu, Xiling: Role of MEF2A in driving human-specific extension of cortical synaptogenesis
- Hilman, Dror: The hippo signalling pathway through an evolutionary looking glass
- Bero, Damian: Correlation between codon bias and genome size in eukaryotes
- Feder, Alison: An investigation of heuristic and maximum likelihood approaches for the detection of natural selection in time series data
- Eimes, John: Rapid loss of MHC class II variation in a bottlenecked population is explained by drift and loss of copy number variation
- Beiko, Robert: Phylogenomics and lateral gene transfer in a 10,000-genome world
- Beiko, Robert: Geographic analysis of human salivary microbiomes using GenGIS
- Erb, Sarah: Prevalent, non-intron sequence insertions in Daphnia pulex protein coding regions
- Shiina, Takashi: Elucidation of genomic structure and diversity of the Macaca fascicularis MHC
- Matsushita, Yuka: Finding a polymorphism of the L-M opsin gene in howler monkeys which have been supposed to have uniform trichromacy in New World Monkeys
- Lin, Ching Ping: Complete chloroplast genomes (cpDNAs) of Pinaceae species: insights into the long standing controversy over Pinaceae phylogeny
- Linsen, Sam: Transcriptional response towards early-life stress during development of the zebrafish
- Niskanen, Alina: MHC diversity in grey wolves (Canis lupus)
- Iwasaki, Yuki: A novel evolutionary study to predict directional changes of Influenza A virus genome sequences
- Renzette, Nicholas: Population genomics of human cytomegalovirus in human hosts
- Borodynko, Kazimiera: Defective interfering RNAs of tomato black ring virus? origin, nature and secondary structure
- Parks, Donovan: Quantifying beta-diversity over phylogenetic trees and networks
- Parks, Donovan: Statistical analysis of metagenomic profiles
- Weng, Mao Lun: Heterogeneity of nucleotide substitution rates in organelle genes of Pelargonium
- David Alvarez-Ponce: The human genome retains relics of its prokaryotic ancestry: human genes of archaebacterial and eubacterial origin exhibit remarkable differences
- Tanifuji, Goro: Genomic characterization of Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis (Amoebozoa) and its kinetoplastid endosymbiont
- Wang, Daryi: Evidence of association between nucleosome occupancy and the evolution of transcription factor binding sites in yeast
- Wang, Daryi: The impact of normalization and phylogenetic information on estimating the distance metrics for metagenomes
- Onimaru, Koh: Development and evolution of the lateral plate mesoderm: comparative analysis of amphioxus and lamprey, with implications for the acquisition of paired fins
- Huang, Chih Wei: How many genes to reconstruct a reliable mitogenomic phylogeny
- Huttley, Gavin: Suitability of codon model forms for measuring selection
- Morii, Yuta: Extreme morphological change: an example of two land snails in Hokkaido, Japan
- Hasiow Jaroszewska, Beata: molecular characterization and biological variability of isolates representing European genotype of pepino mosaic virus
- Gabaldon, Toni: Phylogenomics in the face of ever-growing genomic data
- Illingworth, Christopher: Quantifying selection acting on a trait from allele frequency time-series
- Daskalaki, Evangelia: Rejection of kinship in an early medieval Swedish burial ground
- Strandberg, Rebecka: Molecular evolution of pheromone receptor genes in self-fertilizing taxa of the fungal genus Neurospora
- Richardson, Joshua: Does HTZ1 confer robustness to environmental and genetic sources of phenotypic variation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae?
- Nitta, Kozue: Genetic basis of flower anthocyanins: flower color evolution in daylily (Hemerocallis fulva) and nightlily (H. citrina)
- Steinruecken, Matthias: An accurate sequentially Markov conditional sampling distribution for the coalescent with recombination
- Okamoto, Tomoko: Predation on pollinating fig wasp of Ficus erecta by Dipteran larvae
- Matsunami, Masatoshi: Paralogous conserved non-coding sequences derived from the two-round whole genome duplications
- Miyazawa, Hideyuki: Phylogenetic analyses of myriapods based on three nuclear protein-coding genes
- Toyama, Hironori: Adaptive species replacement in hybrid population of two closely related viola species occurring in contrast habitats
- Yoon, Ung Han: Expression and evolutionary analysis of seed storage proteins in rice
- Yoshida, Masaaki: Genome structure analysis of molluscs revealed large-scale genome duplication and lineage specific repeat variation
- Hall, Alex: Host-parasite coevolutionary arms races give way to fluctuating selection
- Connelly, Caitlin: Genome-wide insights into the evolution and transcriptional consequences of regulatory variation in diverse yeast strains
- Muto, Nozomu: Geographic trends in introgressive hybridization between two rockfishes, Sebastes vulpes and S. zonatus (Teleostei: Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) from Japan
- Komiyama, Tomoyoshi: The Evolutional analysis and genetic differentiation of dopamine receptor D2, D3 and D4 genes for Japanese domesticated chickens
- Sato, Akiko: Genetic variation in wild capuchins and spider monkeys in Costa Rica: implications for dispersal patterns
- Pettersson, John: Western subtype of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in central Sweden
- Mueller, Melanie: Measuring competitive fitness on a surface
- Xu, Feifei: Genome-wide analyses of recombination show that Giardia intestinalis assemblages are genetically isolated lineages
- Green, David: Maintenance of sex: a major rate advantage in adopting beneficial mutations at single loci in diploids overcomes the two-fold cost of sex
- Ishikawa, Yuki: Molecular underpinnings of the defensive polyethism in termites
- Yoshida, Takao: Genome sequence of an intracellular bacterial symbiont in a deep-sea Calyptogena clam- reductive genome evolution of Calyptogena clam symbionts-
- Takaki, Yoshihiro: Population genomics of the chemoautotrophic endsymbiont in Calyptogena clams
- Ueda, Minoru: Identification of the T-DNA tagged mutant for liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha L.) sigma factor 1 (MpSIG1); Insight into the subfunctionalization of sigma factor genes during land plant evolution
- Chavali, Vishalakshi: Reproductive isolation between Drosophila ananassae and D. pallidosa
- Sano, Kaori: Evolution of protein function: the mechanism of egg envelope digestion by fish hatching enzymes as a model
- Kawaguchi, Mari: Molecular co-evolution of protease and proteinaceous substrate: hatching enzyme and egg envelope protein as a model system
- Shirai, Kazumasa: Evolutionary rates in the cichlid fishes of the three great lakes in East Africa
- Mizuno, Fuzuki: Analysis of mitochondrial DNA diversity in native Mesoamericans
- Wachi, Nakatada: Incongruent divergent patterns between mitochondrial and nuclear loci in the oak gall wasps, the Andricus mukaigawae complex (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae)
- Nakamura, Kensuke: Sequence specific error profile of Illumina sequencers
- Ng, Wei Lun: Levels and patterns of DNA variation in two sympatric mangrove species, Rhizophora apiculata and R. mucronata, in Southeast Asia
- Sakurai, Kodama: Toward understanding importance of chemical sense in primates: a study of natural populations of color-vision polymorphic New World Monkeys
- Liao, Ben Yang: Why mouse embryonic heart enhancers evolve rapidly?
- Sun, Shim: Choi Prediction of miRNA function during mouse embryonic development
- Seung, Gu: Park analysis of microRNA targets for gene structure and expression in human genome
- Kinjo, Sonko: Evolution of length diversity in mitochondrial D-loop region among the sharks with lineage-specific repetitive sequences
- Hamaji, Takashi: Molecular evolutionary analysis of the mating type locus in the isogamous colonial volvocalean alga Gonium pectorale
- Iwase, Mineyo: Origin and evolution of primate orphan genes: variable charge X/Y
- Kashiwagi, Akiko: Ongoing phenotypic and genomic changes in Experimental coevolution of RNA bacteriophage Qβ and Escherichia coli
- Ogura, Atushi: Comparative Genomics of Cultural Domesticated Chickens
- Sato, Naoki: Complete clustering of all prokaryotic proteins as a basis of phylogenetic analysis over the entire prokaryotes
- Kawabe, Akira: Centromere preferential localization of COPIA93/20 retrotransposon in Arabidopsis and related species
- Suzuki, Tomoya: The complex evolutionary history of the acquisition of morphological polymorphism in the scorpionfly Panorpodes paradoxus (Insecta: Mecoptera, Panorpodidae)
- Ishikawa, Sohta: Intragenomic gene conversion in the evolution of bacterial peptide-chain release factors
- Woehle, Christian: Chromalveolates from the perspective of an Apicomplexan alga
- Shigeno, Shuichi: Sensory and motor Components in octopus brachial systems: connectome and molecular architecture
- Woody, Owen: Exploring the evolution of gene function through expression data Mining
- Andersen, Lars: Inferring population histories in the IM-model using site pattern analysis
- Blancher, Antoine: Estimate of recombination rate in macaque MHC from the Poisson distribution of recombinant haplotype frequencies
- Blancher, Antoine: Immune-induced evolutionary selection focused on a single reading frame in overlapping Hepatitis B virus proteins
- Moola, Sasha: Fast approximate Bayesian detection of diversifying selection
- Betran, Esther: A new perspective on sexual conflict related topics: gene duplication, sex-biased expression and the location of sexually dimorphic traits
- Bryant, David: How to lie (or not lie) with simulations
- Garud, Nandita: Inference of the demographic history of domesticated rice
- Stuart, Gary: A RAD-tag sampling method for deep level whole genome phylogenies
- Wang, Wen: Functional and phenotypic effects of newly orginated genes
- Cheng, Yuanyuan: The role of MHC in Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease
- Shimada, Makoto: Characterization of evolutionary conserved unusually short human introns
- Fungtammasan, Arkarachai: predicting common fragile sites in the human genome using regression analysis
- Katsumura, Takafumi: Allelic variations of cytochrome P450 genes in wild Medaka populations: a parallelism to human alleles
- Okamura, Hideyuki: The Origin of eukaryotes based on molecular evolution of the lipid synthesis
- Ishiwata, Keisuke: Phylogenetic relationships among insect orders based on nuclear protein-coding genes
Day 2 (July 28)
- Misawa, Kazuharu: A codon substitution model that incorporates the effect of the GC contents, the gene density and the density of CpG islands of human chromosomes
- Araki, Kiwako: Roles of epigenetic variations in the adaptive evolution of clonal plants
- Ashino, Ryuichi: Exploration of regulatory region for differential expression of duplicated red-sensitive opsin genes in zebrafish
- Kobayashi, Naoki: SINE involved in mammal facial development
- Iwasaki, Watal: Evolutionary model of cryptic variations in gene regulatory networks
- Wang, Hurng Yi: Positive selection on rapidly evolving mitochondrial gene in the pollinating wasp Wiebesia pumilae (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) of Ficus pumila
- Yoshida, Takanori: Elucidation of the demographic history of a common pioneer tree, Zanthoxylum ailanthoides using multilocus sequence data
- Kimura, Ryosuke: How to interpret multivariate genomic analyses of populations with admixture
- Ishizaki, Naoya: Toward understanding evolutionary force behind color vision polymorphism in humans
- Aso, Masanori: Comparison of gene organization and expression of blue-sensitive (SWS2) opsins among medaka fish species
- Niimura, Yoshihito: Diversity of olfactory receptor gene repertoires among 38 mammals
- Izutsu, Minako: genome features of a Drosophila strain adapted to dark environment
- Beh, Leslie: An evolutionarily dynamic protein sequence encodes the conserved repressive properties of polycomb Group protein posterior sex Combs
- Tanabe, Akifumi: Effective bootstrapping: a new method for estimating accurate credibilities of splits on a phylogenetic tree
- Huerta Sanchez, Emilia: Characterizing the genetic signature of high altitude adaptation in Tibetans
- Lillie, Mette: Balancing Selection and genetic drift acting on the Major Histocompatibility Complex in the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus
- Ishikawa, Asano: Endocrine mechanisms underlying the loss of reproductive polyphenism in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum
- Wu, Chieh Hsi: Bayesian alignment partitioning and phylogenetic model selection by transdimensional MCMC
- Isobe, Kotoha: Genetic mechanisms of evolutionary cold adaptation of Drosophila albomicans
- Ngai, Ming Yin: Microsatellite slippage conservation across primate species and their modern individuals
- Kanzawa, Hideaki: Genetic analysis of ancient mitochondrial DNA among Japanese Archipelago population in Tohoku Jomon
- Matsumae, Hiromi: Design of customized microarray in chordate Ciona intestinalis and its gene expression analysis in adult Ciona
- Sasaki, Eriko: A novel approach for SNP detection in next generation sequence data
- Wallis, Graham: Extreme positive selection on a ZP-domain glycoprotein in larval galaxiid fishes
- Lee, Yen Chen: Molecular systematics and diversification of the Eastern Asian Cyclophoridea (Gastropoda, Mollusca)
- Tamura, Miho: The evolution of the number of LRR of plant disease resistance genes
- Kishida, Takushi: Molecular evolution of the olfactory marker protein gene and the evolution of the loss of olfaction in cetaceans
- Bardsley, Lisa: Neutral evolution in Drosophila
- Kanako, Koyanagi: Incorporation of various episomal DNAs into AT di-nucleotide repeats in rice genomes: lessons from endogenous rice pararetrovirus
- Huang, Ching Huei: Recurrent revival of dimorphism of the PSMB8 gene during tetrapod evolution
- Hoyal Cuthill, Jennifer: Cophylogenetic evidence for codivergence between mimetic Heliconius butterflies
- Miyagi, Ryutaro: The diversity of opsins and nuptial coloration of sympatric species leading to species richness in Lake Victoria cichlids
- Hashiguchi, Yasuyuki: Nucleotide and copy Number differences of olfactory receptor (OR) genes in two inbred strains of medaka fish
- Shen, Yang: Testing Hypotheses on the rate of molecular evolution in relation to gene expression using microRNAs
- Peng, Zuogang: The Mitogenome of an eyeless cavefish Triplophysa rosa (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) and its phylogenetic position
- Iwasaki, Wataru: Wheel Tree: Intuitive representation of multiple phylogenetic Topologies
- Nelson Sathi, Shijulal: Phylogenomic networks of archaebacteria reveal frequent lateral gene transfer and eubacterial acquisitions
- Nishihara, Hidenori: Molecular functional analysis of the neocortex-specific Satb2 enhancer derived from SINEs: toward resolution of the evolutionary process of exaptation
- He, Ziwen: Inferring DNA polymorphism of pooled sample from second-generation sequencing data
- Horiike, Tokumasa: Development of new method for constructing ortholog dataset using large amount of gene data
- Zhou, Renchao: Detecting genes under positive selection in non-model organisms through transcriptome sequencing
- Yasukochi, Yoshiki: Selection intensity and evolutionary process on the peptide bindig region in the HLA genes
- Piskurek, Oliver: Tracking the ancestry of a deeply conserved eumetazoan SINE domain
- Suzuki, Hikoyu: A paralog of olfactory marker protein gene in teleost fish: another candidate marker for unclassified cells in olfactory rosette
- Ota, Tomoki: Positive Darwinian selection and demographic history illustrate the dimorphic allelic diversity of V1R1 receptor gene in Lake Tanganyika cichlids tribe Tropheini
- Dainat, Jacques: Gene-loss and pseudogenization in human lineage throughout the eukaryotes evolution
- Kawashima, Takeshi: The structures and general features of genomes viewed from the three non-model marine animals: coral, pearl oyster and acornworm
- Thiergart, Thorsten: Phylogenetic evidence for a single acquisition of prokaryotic genes at the origin of eukaryotes
- Daisuke, Saisho: Implication of quantitative variation of vernalization requirement as an adaptive trait in barley
- Hara, Yuichiro: Inference of the human-chimpanzee speciation time assuming the non-uniform molecular evolutionary clocks
- Kijima, Takayuki: On the estimation of the insertion time of LTR retrotransposable elements
- Gotea, Valer: Evidence of positive selection acting on novel primate specific transcripts generated from bidirectional promoters
- Tsuda, Masaki: Does Fluctuating environment promote the evolution of novel functions in gene regulatory networks?
- Seto, Yosuke: Molecular evolution of antimicrobial peptide in Drosophila virilis
- Lohr, Jennifer: Faster ageing in small populations? Testing the evolutionary theory of ageing in Daphnia
- Rytkonen, Kalle: Divergence in teleost specific HIF alpha duplicates suggests specialization towards physiological and Developmental roles
- Asami, Takahiro: Genetic dominance in reproductive isolation during mating in hermaphrodites
- He, Ding: The root of eukaryote tree based on NcMt proteins
- Kasagi, Satoshi: Spectral characterization of guppy Visual opsins
- Chang, WeiJen: Probing sexual reproduction in fish parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
- Kloesges, Thorsten: Phylogenomic networks of proteobacterial plasmids and chromosomes reveal the role of plasmids in long distance lateral gene transfer
- Mitsuhata, Junya: Phylogenetic relationships among Mycobacterium based on the whole genomic information
- Halvarsson, Peter: Effect of relatedness on reproductive success in Siberian jays
- Johnson, Philip: The smallest possible population sample: diploid demography
- Koga, Hiroyuki: Molecular evolutions involved in the evolution of echinoderm skeleton
- Ono, Hiroki: Novel motif of FoxD3 to get involved in neural crest gene regulatory network
- Tang, Tian: Multiple horizontal transfers of Ty1/copia-like retrotransposons in mangroves
- Harada, Masaaki: A research on the evolution of Influenza
- Satomura, Kazuhiro: Molecular evolution of DNA sequences on neo-X and neo-Y chromosomes in Drosophila albomicans
- Komatsuzaki, Hiroshi: Molecular phylogeny of the amitochondriate lineage, Fornicata, based on multi-gene analysis
- Wang, Tzi Yuan: Trans vs. cis changes in yeast gene expression evolution
- Gazave, Elodie: Recent accumulation of deleterious mutations in human populations
- Kumar, Sudhir: TimeTree2: A knowledgebase of species divergence times from molecular data
- Kumar, Sudhir: MEGA (Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis) version 5.0
- Mimura, Makiko: Lonely on the island? a refugium on the Yaku Island in Rubus species
- Angela, Love: Population genomic analysis of wild and lab strains of yeast
- Moorjani, Priya: Estimating a date of mixture of ancestral South Asian populations
- Okamoto, Kazufusa: The Caenorhabditis elegans DNA methylome
- Fonseca, Rute: Positive selection in Metazoans: the variety in functional targets
- Nakajima, Yumiko: Ancient mariner transposon targeted by other transposable elements in the genome of Bombyx mori and B. mandarina
- BillingRoss, Paul: Fast and slow implementations of relaxed clock methods show similar patterns of accuracy in estimating divergence times
- Vicoso, Beatriz: Using whole-genome sequencing to reveal the history of the dot chromosome in Drosophilids
- Tojo, Koji: The importance of molecular phylogeographic studies of mountainous headwater specific aquatic insects
- Furuta, Yoshikazu: Novel genome rearrangement mechanisms detected by H. pylori genome comparison
- Koyanagi, Mitsumasa: Diversity of non-visual photopigment parapinopsin and evolution of pineal color discrimination
- Eyun, Seong il: Species-specific expansion of GPCRs in basal eukaryotic genomes
- Takeuchi, Yayoi: Comparison of genetic variation and population process in two tropical tree species with different seed dispersal strategies
- Liang, Mason: A Hidden Markov Model for joint inference of migration parameters and migrant tracts
- Mansai, Sayaka: The rate and tract length of gene conversion between duplicated genes
- Akita, Tetsuya: Modeling a growth of microRNA-mediated regulation systems in plants
- Nikaido, Masato: A genetically distinct coelacanth population is discovered off the northern Tanzanian coast
- Kono, Mieko: Identification of genes expressed in lichen-symbiosis
- Fujito, Naoko: Long-term Transspecies dimorphism of the PSMB8 gene in Actinopterygii
- Matsumoto, Koji: Molecular evolution of the auditory system using genes related to the development of hair cells
- Nakanishi, Akiko: Characterization of the Fgf8 cis-regulatory element derived from a SINE and possible involvement in mammalian brain formation
- Liu, Jin: Diverging regulation of the gnathal appendage morphology in insects may be hidden by the conserved expression patterns of the head hox genes ? insights from Periplaneta
- Bannai, Hidemi: Comprehensive analysis of medaka MHC class II genes reveals the orthologous relationship between euteleostei class II genes
- Hase, Kazuko: Deep introgression of the invasive toad into the native its subspecies in Tokyo urban area
- Mallick, Swapan: Ancestral cercopithecoid and hylobatid demography
- Kuraku, Shigehiro: Non-conservation of developmental 'toolkit' genes
- Fujii, Sota: Diversifying selection of pentatricopeptide repeat genes reveal a conflict between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes throughout angiosperm evolution
- Bullaughey, Kevin: Reversals during adaptive evolution should be expected for gene regulatory networks
- Gutierrez, Humberto: Protein amino acid composition is associated with encephalization in mammals
- Sung, Huang Mo: Regulatory evolution of stress response genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Huang, ChaoLi: Footprint of selection at photoperiod genes in Oryza sativa
- Chong, Zechen: Evidence for adaptive evolution of micro-indels in the whole genome of Drosophila melanogaster
- Kikuchi, Kiyoshi: Evolution of the sex-determining loci in fugu and its related pufferfishes
- Xu, Jin: The expression evolution of tumor suppressor miR-16 in vertebrates
- Kergoat, Gael: Is there a common pattern underlying the evolution of internal insect feeders?
- Sasaki, Naobumi: Detecting the core structure evolution of genomes by the position profile method
- Ahn, Kung: Identification of MER transposon originated miRNAs loaded onto AGO proteins in human cells
- Ahn, Kung: Identification and transcripts analysis of miRNAs derived from transposable elements in human tissues
- Gim, Jeong: An Identification and characterization of transposable elements in thoroughbred horse
- Gim, Jeong: An comparative analysis of transcriptional activity of PERV LTR subtypes in NIH-miniature pig
- Ling, Shaoping: Evolution at the cellular level during tumor progression- selection for somatic nonsynonymous changes
- Riztyan, Riztyan: Genetic diversity and population structure of Asian Native chickens based on SNP markers
- Shin, Seung: Ho Comparison of evolutionary features between fusion genes and non-fusion
- Liu, Kuan Liang: Hierarchy taxonomy assignment for rRNA sequences
- Yamanoue, Yusuke: Genetic basis of parallel evolution of scale loss in Takifugu pufferfishes
- Pugach, Irina: Genetic record of Australian Aborigines based on large-scale genotyping data
- Desai, Michael: The structure of genealogies in the presence of purifying selection: a fitness-class coalescent
- Yan, Bo Shiun: Differential expression of SP110 isoforms in inflammatory macrophages
- Bush, Stephen: Purifying selection in Arabidopsis thaliana is associated with increased expression breadth and gene structural features but not expression level
- Urrutia, Araxi: Proteome expansion by alternative splicing accounts for complexity increases over 1400 million years
- Barribeau, Seth: Transcriptional responses of bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) queens to the trypanosome parasite Crithidia bombi
- Tsaur, Shun-Chern: Inferring the speciation history by massive gene trees in Drosophila simulans clade
- Cooley, Arielle M. : The chronology of color: Regulation of Drosophila pigmentation genes varies over developmental time and between species/li>
- Sato, Yukuto : Massive cDNA sequencing from deep-branching fishes as a basis forcomparative evolutionary studies of vertebrates
- O'Connell, Mary J. : Mammalian phylogeny: a heterogeneous modeling approach
- Laura Rodríguez-Botigué: Haplotype Sharing between North Africa and Europe: following the trail of human migrations
- Yong Woo, Gene clustering pattern, promoter architecture, and gene expression stability in eukaryotic genomes
- Rui Zhang, Frequent gain and loss of functional miRNA binding sites and the activities of lineage-restricted miRNA-target interactions
- Ryota Hayashi, Whale’s knuckle: co-evolution of whales and barnacles